Happy Holidays! And no, hypocrites, Christmas is not the only holiday in the world celebrated this time of year. FYI: it's a mix of Saturnalia, Pagan rituals and capitalist inventions.
The first US christians (their much revered Pilgrim Fathers) fiercely opposed any kind of celebration. Especially Christmas. And especially when it included drinking alcohol and dancing. So, are you a 'true Christian' or just a dumb hypocrite?
Either way, happy holidays!
Oh, and Santa is a capitalist invention by Coca Cola:
Their marketing agency was tasked to find a way to sell more of the drink in winter by appealing to the European heritage of Americans. Thus they combined the different stories of Father Christmas, Saint Nicholas, Father Winter, Father Time and some Scandinavian- and central European folk tales and created the monstrosity known as Santa.
Edit: as was pointed out to me by a helpful individual on X, Coca Cola simply popularized the already existing figure of Santa Claus. Starting with a 1920s marketing campaign. I stand corrected.
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