Thursday, January 09, 2025

"I came out as trans"

A conservative TV personality, Josh Seiter, came out as trans. Predictably, from the right he got nothing but hateful and plain dumb reactions. The left - generally - could not be bothered, except for the odd: "Congratulations on your coming out!"

"As I predicted and now have proven: my side of the lane, the right, is full of intolerant, dumb a-holes and the left doesn't care about someone's gender and is usually supportive and empathic. I really called out the left, haven't I? Ha!" ~some right wing nutjob most don't know.

I don't care that this nobody came out as a lying, conservative, idiot. Why can't he and his fellow stupid people sleep at the thought that someone they don't know once identified with a different sexe?

"Everybody should be totally free to decide for themselves! But only if they call themselves 'christian' and are dumb hypocrites. Apparently. 

Conservatives are só dumb that they can't think of laws banning guns, but they càn conjur up laws taking away people's personal choices.

Conservatives are só dumb that they think that children will turn into little dictators when you teach them about Hitler and Stalin.
The real question should be: are conservatis só extremely dumb that you can't call them examples of the Homo Sapiens Sapiens but are conservatives an entirely different species, the Homo Lunatic Ludicrous?

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