Saturday, January 16, 2021

I'm sure it's true because I think I heard it

By know most people know a certain ex-president had the great thought of nuking hurricanes after he saw an old SciFi movie in which that was the preferred solution. In short: if something was on TV he believed it to be a fact. That doesn't only happen to old people with signs of dementia or drug addicts. We descend from people who didn't rely on Facebook and bad SciFi movies for information but relied on 'their own eyes and ears because they don't deceive you'. Guess what: they do. Because they make you think that wat you see and hear is true 'because you witness it personally.'

Most people have developed and can tell facts from fiction.

Yes, even kids who believe in Santa. They are not stupid. Of course they know that reindeers don't fly. But that they can in some other realm. Look at yourself crying over the death of a beloved soap-character. You know the person is not real. But does that mean your emotions are fake too?

Sometimes people are so convinced that something is true that not even cold hard facts can't convince them from the contrary. That means that either: they got their knowledge from social media but don't want to admit it or they were taught by their beloved parents and it would feel like betrayal to them to admit their parents were wrong.

So, in their minds they prefer to stay in this other realm where their parents or 'Karen on Facebook' are right. Don't argue because they suffer from cognitive dissonance. Like we all do, from time to time. I bet there was a time you were convinced of something even though the facts clearly stated you were mistaken. 

People who love to read know there is this 'other realm' where sometimes impossible things happen. They close the book and are back in reality. Some stay in the other realm. Don't get angry with them, don't call them fools. Just tell them that if they don't want alligators roaming the neighborhood, they should put a banana in their ears.

If people don't believe you, show them this clip - it was on TV as well as Facebook so thus must be true! - proving it works:


Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon

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