Thursday, August 12, 2021

The fun of Twitter

Twitter - like any form of social media - can be very addictive. To me it resembles the Cantina in Star Wars:
A lot of different individuals. All with their different tastes, their own wishes and backgrounds and all with different opinions on different matters. Sometimes funny, sometimes annoying. Sometimes educational and sometimes just plain dumb. Just like in an actual bar it's not always easy to choose a topic or a conversation partner: depending on the time of the day or week there are other occupants. And you cannot choose who they are. That's part of what makes it interesting. 

For me Twitter is an opportunity to learn. Facts, different ways of looking at things, learning to control myself and learning to choose wether or not to engage in conversation based on a single remark.

It's also a playground. And I like to play. 

Like this little Twitter game:

Are you on Twitter? If so: what do you do there for fun?

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon

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