Wednesday, December 08, 2021

The world needs leaders who think like scientists and act like entrepeneurs

Countries need strong leaders. Leaders who know when to listen. To the people but also to scientists. A real leader convinces his people to think for themselves and to rely on people with actual knowledge of the subject on hand if they're unsure what to do.

In the USA a leader told his people not to listen to scientists. Unfortunaly the people listened and thousands upon thousands died. Because they believed in their Great Leader. A leader who secretly didn't listen to his own advice and got himself vaccinated. Recently it was discovered he not only contracted the virus but willingly affected others while knowing he had it. When he was treated for Covid-19, healing him (click) cost the American taxpayer over half a million dollar. Fun fact, eh?

'Yes, but also vaccinated people died so vaccins don't work.'
True. Just like people still die in car crashes despite wearing seat belts.
But a lot less than befote seat belts were mandated.

The people of Turkey believed in their Great Leader ('Führer' in German) to help the economy. In stead of taking advice from the countries best economists he convinced his people and himself that his own economic theory should be put in practice. Consequential the Turkish Lira plummeted in value (over 30 percent in just two months) and the people of Turkey are getting hungry because their wages and allowances like pension or not sufficient to pay for basic necessities like rent and food.

'Erdogan believes that high interest rates cause high inflation – the exact opposite of conventional economic thinking – and has insisted he would keep rates low.' is a quote from this article (click) on the subject.

The government of Sweden listened to the people (click) and didn't issue a lockdown or mandate facemasks. Until it was too late and thousands of Swedes had died. Unnecessarily. A lot more per thousand civilians than neighbouring countries with leaders who díd listen to scientists. 

Also when it comes to climate change, the leaders of the world tend to listen to the people but mostly to the few largest companies that have everything to gain by not making the shift from depleting the Earth from oil and coal to using more renewable sources. If governments don't start listening to scientists in stead of personal friends in the oil and coal industry, the planet and our children will suffer the consequences.

Unfortunately the world seems stuck with leaders like Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte who held a speech at the 2021 Climate Change summit in Glasgow: 'It's true that the government of The Netherlands should talk less and do more about climate change; let's talk about it some more.' 

The world needs - and deserves - leaders who think like scientists and think like entrepeneurs.

Read this article to learn more.

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon

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