Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Smart phones make us stupid

We are lost without are smartphones. Literally. Like in the case of a friend who drove from his hometown to work in a different town for three days a week for two years when one day he called from another town: 'Hey, my navigation app isn't working, so I got lost and will be an hour or so late.' Driving the exact same route 300 times, relying on his navigation app, made it impossible for him to drive the same route for a 301st time. True story.

Several studies seem to point at the fact that our average IQ has been steadily shrinking since the introduction of the first smartphones. That could be a coincidence (perhaps 'they' really control us via chemtrails!) of course but think about it: how many phone numbers do you know by heart, compared to 15 years ago? If you've driven to your cousin's new home six months ago, could you drive there today without opening your navigation app?

We've come to use our smart devices to take over some of our brain functions and - just like with muscles - if braincells are not used, they deteriorate. And eventually disappear. Making it easier for people who control our online lives (looking at you, Zuck, Bill, the lovely people at Google HQ and the handful of people who control most media) to control our brains.

Honestly I don't know what's more alarming: that a study (click) proved that smartphone use makes children rely less on their brain and therefore makes them less intelligent or that it took US researchers several years and $300,000,000 to reach such an obvious conclusion.

Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon
I just lost my part time job and am not making ends meet via entertainment because of covid, so a donation (click) is much appreciated:

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