Saturday, November 04, 2023

Poor Puppy (a #ShortStory)

Mankind had made such a mess of the planet
that an alien race came to educate us.
On the condition of a world wide cease fire
and no internet, tv or radio for a week,
just printed press. And the formation
of a world government without money
or lobbyists.

Punishable by releasing
a virus to wipe out humanity.
Simply by making everyone
as stupid as the most stupid ex-president
of the stupidest country,
thus destroying themselves.

The aliens had chosen
an African woman
to be mankind's President.

After the dust had settled,
the fossil industry had come to a halt
and a few million idiots
were relocated to Mars.
Without telling them the Martians
had been given the plans to The Dome
to easily spot its weaknesses.

The human President
thanked the alien Ambassador
and presented it with a gift:

"Oh, thank you. You shouldn't have!"
And in two bites the alien
had devoured its tasty gift.

The poor puppy.


Want to read (more of) my short stories? My author page: Terrence Weijnschenk at Amazon
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